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   I am from Temasek Polytechnic and recently we revised our curriculum. We did an indusytry survey to find out thier needs and they clearly indicated that they want a balance between IT and Information Management Skills. Hence we have redesigned our curriculum based on this. I oblige to share some of our findings with you.
Rajen Munoo (11 Sep 2001)
Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Re:Message to Ms. Mahusay
RE:RE:RE:Re: Ms. Mahusay
RE:Anne Garcia
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
to Nancy T. Tuason (11 Sep 2001
RE:to Nancy T. Tuason (11 Sep 2001
Reply to: Nancy T. Tuason
RE:Reply to: Nancy T. Tuason
reply to: open u
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Educati...
Rajen Munoo (11 Sep 2001Education
Reply to Mr.Rajen
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Dr. Sison
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: Rajen Munoo
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Susan
RE:Reply to Susan
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Atty.. Santos
RE:Edrose Flores
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: V. David
RE:Reply To: V. David
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: Susan Higgins
Reply to Susan Higgins Consultation on Higher Libr...
Reply to Antonio
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Johnson
To: Choy Fat Cheong
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
**** to help all read better, pls indicate who you...
Antonio M Santos - Scope of Consultation
reply to johnson- Scope of Consultation
Reply to Johnson - Scope of Consultation
Reply to: J. Paul
RE:Reply to Antonio
reply to Johnson
RE:reply to Tessie Moran
RE:RE:reply to Rebbie
RE:RE:RE:reply to Marlo
RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Charry Mahusay
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Edrose
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to DR. Flores
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Susan
RE:RRE:reply to Medy
RE:RE:RE:reply to Ms. David
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply Ms. Rhodora
RE:To the Committee
RE::To The librarians
Reply to Roxanne
RE:Reply to Johson
Consal Web Online Conference
RE:Consal Web Online Conference
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
To: Rajen Munoo
To All
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education to ...
Anne L. Garcia (11 Sep 2001)
RE:Anne L Garcia
RE:RE:Johnson D Paul
RE:RE:RE:Anne L. Garcia
RE: Rebecca and Rajen
Johnson: Who's Who of Library Educators and PR...
RE:$5 suggestions
Reply to Johnson
Rebecca: Useful Website
RE: Rajen Munoo
Johnson, Rajen and Rebecca
RE:Johnson, Rajen and Rebecca
Rajen Munoo (11 Sep 2001
RE:RE:To Medie
Reply to Rebecca
RE:Reply to Choy Fatt Cheong
RE:Reply to Rebecca
Reply To: R. M. Jocson
!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 15 mins.
Do we have a conclusion?.
Reply to Bella RE:Do we have a conclusion?.
josie (11 Sep 2001)
RE:Reply to Josie
RE:Some Points
Higher Learning Scholarships
To Consal Secretariat
RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 10 mins.
RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 5 mins.
RE:RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 3 mins.
RE:RE:RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 1min...
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
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