19. |
Promoting & Branding Librarians
(February 2004) |
This topical brief shall first look at the old stereotypical perceptions that the public has of librarians, followed by a discussion on what a librarian actually is. Last of all, it shall discuss what other libraries are doing to promote the presence of librarians, together with suggestions on doing it. |
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20. |
Book Clubs
(January 2004) |
This topical brief provides the historical overview of book clubs, its definition, the reasons in joining a book club as well as how to form a book club and managing the meetings. A useful reading for libraries who are interested in forming book club to promote reading and making it as part of their library activities. |
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21. |
Disaster Response Planning : Managing Emergencies in Libraries
(December 2003) |
Libraries, information and archival centers have faced disasters of various sorts over several centuries. One key point in surviving such disasters or minimising their impact is to be prepared for any disaster through disaster management plans. The infamous Florence flood of 1966, where over two million wet books had to be salvaged, is considered the "most significant library disaster of recent times". It has been credited as creating awareness among libraries and librarians worldwide of the importance of disaster preparedness. Subsequent to the Florence flood, many large-scale library disasters and model plans have occurred which led to several seminars and meetings on disaster management. Despite such efforts, majority of libraries have not developed any kind of disaster plan. |
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